dimanche 18 décembre 2016

Magic Mirror in the hay, thanks for showing me the way #3

Follow the Yellow Stone Road

I am thinking out loud as I walk the maze.
-Well, now that I think of it, even though down seems to be the natural direction of a wheel if we let it go free style, we should rather say that it takes us up the maze, if we agree that the colors resonate with our energy wheels, the chakras. Although, it’s true that for now we’ve been walking without looking for something in particular, and maybe it was a coincidence to get started with red and then orange…
-A what? asks the voice who sounds to be on the brink of getting a bit angry.
-Oh, sorry, it’s true, no such thing as coincidence… I didn’t say anything, voice… My bag is starting to feel heavy on my shoulder. Right now, I wish you were more than a voice, just saying. See, I’m progressing. I no longer feel ashamed or too shy to ask for help.
-I see, but you’re strong, you can carry it yourself, although I’m proud of you, yes: you are starting to voice (heehee) what you need. However you still tend to hint at it instead of directly asking for what you want.
-Well, because in my culture, or maybe just my family, we assume that people know what is needed, and it is considered rude and typical of spoiled brats to ask, I guess… No wonder that not too many people think of me as an only child for that matter. Those differences in what should be the “norm” constitute the beauty but also the complexity of cultural codes among different peoples and places. Don’t you agree?

-It’s true. And even though I know you’re strong, I also know that carrying something for too long can be unhealthy. An eagle standing on the edge of a glass once told me the wise parable. We were under a juniper tree to avoid getting too soaked by the thunder rain…
-Oh wow, that’s poetic. What did the eagle tell you exactly?
-She (I think it was a ‘she’) told me about that parable of the glass of water. Holding it for a while is perfectly fine, but if you do it for months and years, it can lead you to lose your arm that will break into tiny pieces…

-I certainly hope that we won’t stay in the labyrinth for months or years from now, heehee… I’m associating the eagle with the color yellow, by the way. And the color together with this arm thing conjured up a very yellow image from that exhibition I mentioned earlier, in the orange.

-Nice perspective, says the voice, who, I guess, is seeing the image in the stump’s record player.
-Yes. It is taken from what would be the eagle’s perspective, I think.
-It’s not very high though, argues the voice.
-No, but it’s in the east. I can tell because the booth facing the viewer is the west booth, which was dedicated to a dear friend from New Mexico who got murdered. They erected a tree in his memory by the duckpond. That reminds me of a picture by my dad… He loves to make puns and little rhymes, I inherited that from him, and for some reason I am thinking again of that movie, Elisa. Maybe she had lived under a frozen pond and needed a stone to break the ice of her psyche.

-Or more than one, chuckles the voice…
-Yeah, more than one… Maybe it’s not only the image of the water making ripples that will bring back some memories and break the spell of others. Maybe it’s the sound of broken glass that will help in the process too.
-Maybe it is what those stones you found at the entrance of the maze are there for, adds the voice.
-Like the movement of rattles, I say. I guess it’s why this Zia sunface rattle from Chimayó shows up in the image. The sound of rattles can shake the soul when needed. Even though it takes time to understand, heehee… And sometimes as complicated as for a camel to go through the eye of a needle …
-Mateo, says the voice…
-Yes, in one of his love chants, or bible verses, it’s the same, I say. But I would adapt the saying into this: “as complicated as for ducks to go through the cat’s eye, because the eye of a needle is a “chas” in French; not the same selling but the same sound.
-So it’s perfect to break a spell! Laughs the voice.
-I guess it is, I smile.
-What does “keuf” mean in that expression “22, les keufs”? asks the voice.
-Cops, I answer… It reminds me of the scene I had watched from Spain about my friend’s death. I could not believe it, so I had to watch over and over again what the local news said about it. Seeing this yellow ribbon, you know, the “police line, do not cross” thing really caused me a shock. He was gunned down, together with his girlfriend. I had chosen to honor him in a booth dedicated to the fall, and Halloween, when the veil is at its thinnest.
-And at its finest! adds the voice.
 -Yes, at its finest too… And the statues close to the booth where I had honored my friend are what came to my mind earlier. From little boy with all his limbs to Apollo with no arms and no feet… Maybe it has a deeper meaning, since arms could be compared to the eagle’s wings. So maybe you or me or both of us were somehow armless, when I lived back in Granasa, oops, I mean Granada...
-Heehee, Apollo and GraNasa are a perfect match! giggles the voice. I just wonder if it would be under number 11 or 13. I guess it depends if it’s a small step or a giant leap.
-Haha! Or a giant flop if we wear flip flops… Oops… Well, humor is always good, and I think that it’s a nice tribute to Sister Moon... even though we’re supposed to be in the color of the sun in this present maze… Do you know that my folks called me “petit soleil”, little sun, when I was born? Because I smiled a lot and I was way more morena than I was supposed to be up there in Belgium among northerners… Way later I discovered that I was born on the same day as Tonatiuh, el Tata Sol mexicano.
-North America and its side of the sun were already calling you, huh… A child of the sun remembering her connection to the moon… says the voice, who starts singing so beautifully that I’d choose the melody among 1000 if we were in a singing contest: “Sister moon will be my guide / In your blue blue shadows I would hide / All good people asleep tonight / I’m all by myself in your silver light / I would gaze at your face the whole night through / I’d go out of my mind but for you / I’d go out of my mind but for you / Lying in a mother’s arms / The primal root of a woman’s charms / I’m a stranger to the sun / My eyes are too weak / How cold is a heart / When it’s warmth that he seeks? / You watch every night, you don’t care what I do / I’d go out of my mind, but for you / I’d go out of my mind, but for you / My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun / My hunger for her explains everything I’ve done / To howl at the moon the whole night through / And they really don’t care if I do / I’d go out of my mind for you / Sister moon…”
-Be still my beating heart, you sing so beautifully, voice! And I do care that you do. Ah, the moon… I like Sting’s songs very much.
-Yes, a little sting from time to time is not a bad thing, says the voice. Just like when you eat a limoncito, a little lemon.
-Yes, I say without really acknowledging the voice’s very improved skills in Spanish nor wondering if there’s a hidden meaning behind the lemon (and its tree…), because I am busy imagining the sky’s lanterns reflected in the mirror of our souls, our eyes that is. So I say: Moon or Sun in one’s Eyes, it all depends on where you look at and when. Like this other Cherokee tale about the two wolves fighting inside of each of us, the positive one, the negative one, fighting for nurturing and therefore victory. I think that my eyes are more of the color of the warm sun, or sweet honey, plus a coyote once told me so… when I was still on and off in foxy land…
-I see. We are lucky to have such deep conversations with our four-legged relatives.
-Yes we are, mi voz…
-Yes, to give and get mimos or cuddling is very good too, I smile.
-So maybe they’ll come to stay once we find the perfect harmony of colors, says the voice who LOVES to sound and act mysterious.
As I think about the reason for this tendency, a raven caws in the distance, as if wanting to hush my thoughts.
-You sound as if you had just landed from Neverland, I smile.
-Neverland is the land of Peter Pan, and I like rocks, the meaning of Peter, and also pan pipes…
-You sure do, mi voz, you sure do, and Peter Pan did play the pipes... I think I love Neverland too, heehee. I’m thinking that you’d also like two other sculptures of little boys. Actually, maybe those are our “lost boys” and we did find them!? One sculpture is in Santa Fe, on Canyon Road, and the other one is really close to where I live. The one on Canyon Road is called Bearfoot, of course it made me think of “bare-foot” as in “le vent aime les petites amours déchaussées”…
-He looks somehow sad though… says the voice.

-Sí, un poco tristón.
-Tristan? Like in Legends of the Fall?
-Oh, wow, I like that, although Tristan ends up being killed by a bear. TristÓn with an ‘O’ as in H2O means sad-dish in Spanish. Maybe he was hiding in a grotto where momma bear came to his rescue and now he’s a bit sad because he has to leave the security of the shell to proudly show it to the world.
-It seems to fit you too.
-Maybe. I’m bold for certain things… And if I’m not I know where to find the little boy facing the buffalo, once I finally head north from the hallway…
-Nothing more perfect than the North for a buffalo, says the voice. And Tristan in the movie was last seen in the north country… The voiceover or narrator says that he always lived in the borderland, somewhere between this world and another.
-I do remember that, yes… In between worlds, I try to grasp the concept better;I think I am, little by little. Maybe it means that I will see buffalos soon. I automatically think of several concepts when buffalo comes to mind, and Yellowstone is one of them.
-Well maybe we are supposed to find more stones in the yellow!
-In the jellow jelly, heehee. Yes, you never know…
Caw, Caw, Caw! Raven calls again.
-Neverland… Nevermore…
-Or always more, answers the voice.
-Oooh! I exclaim. I am reminded of this movie with Louis de Funès, Yves Montand and Alice Sapritch. It was aired on the year of my birth. Wow, a while ago, haha! All of those actors “mangent les pissenlits par la racine”, like we say in French!
-What does that mean? asks the voice? I do better at Spanish than French.
-In Spanish the expression would be “criar malvas”. I don’t know if it helps.
-“Malva” means a bad girl? tries the voice.
-Ah, that’s interesting. MalvaDA would mean bad (girl).
-Ah yes, I know that girl! Quino is the cartoonist, am I correct? I remember one of the best drawings ever, where that clever little girl was giving a spin to a globe and said that the earth was sick and needed a band-aid on some parts of her injured sphere.
-Oh! Yes, I know that great vignette you mention. But that is MaFALda, and she’s all but malvada, poor sweet one. Hmmm… We have an interesting “tangle” here, un interesante lío de vocabulario, un lío con Mafalda. Mi falda, my skirt, tu falda, your skirt… ¡Vaya Lío de Faldas! Haha… Oops, sorry, I am getting carried away. Languages are my best allies. “Lío” is a complicated, “entangled” situation. That’s extremely funny since I am remembering a singer, half Belgian and half Portuguese, who had chosen Lío as her singer name. I remember the song Banana Split!
-A yellow yummy fruit, says the voice; and also a game similar to Scrabble. I think you’d love it: Bananagrams.
-Yes, I love anagrams! And bananas. Once I saw a great way to play with a couple of those fruits. An artist transformed them into the hind legs of a horse…

-The big leap… That’s a pretty hot concept!
-Some like it hot, heehee. En español, Con faldas y a lo loco…  
-…Nobody’s perfect.
- We’re doing our best, heehee. I knew you loved that scene by the way!
-Did you?
-Oh yes, I can picture you pretty well in it actually.
-Oh and who would I play?
-The woman…
-And you would be the boat driver?
-Of course… Turning down one so-called inconvenient after the other. So back to “lío de faldas”: “falda” means skirt, and “lío” is entanglement. So a movie can get tricky when a scriptwriter imagines some skirt-wearing malvadas brujas who want to put a spell on his world, heehee.
-And is the curse lifted in the end?
-Oh yes. Nobody has to die… or to dye their flowers… since we had started very innocently with flowers. Malva in Spanish is a purple flower, and it gave its name to the color malva or also morado. Pissenlit is also a flower, in French, so “manger les pissenlits par la racine” means to eat dandelions from their root, which therefore means that one is dead.
-RIP… I like dandelions, says the voice. I developed an interest in them a few years ago.
-Me too! They actually have two names in French: the one I’ve just used, “pissenlit”, which, to my aural taste, sounds a little bit too much like “pisse au lit” (peeing in one’s bed), and then “dent-de-lion”, which was used for the English version of the word. Dent de lion means “tooth of a lion”.
-A brave lion or a cowardly lion? asks the voice.
-Oh… Oz… My dear Oz. Where is the yellow brick road, voice? Haha… Maybe lions are yellow because they have eaten many dandelions, and this is their secret to be inspired in mightiness when they see the flower seeds fly high in the sky in their ascending parachutes! You know, speaking of eating and lions, I realized the other day that I have always lived with the cowardly lion… I mean physically… I was watching a clip of the movie, the Wizard of Oz, and all of a sudden when the lion smiled (Or maybe he was crying, it’s hard to say), I had to grab the first ever little friend of my childhood and place it before the screen, to compare their faces.

And I came to the conclusion that they were twins.
-If I may, pretty flower, your version of a lion looks more like a naked cat, like that Egyptian one we mentioned earlier in our maze walk, only that this one is yellow instead of grey.
-Yes! It is exactly how he’s called. Please meet Pèlé Tchèt, “bald cat”, a Walloon name he was given by my maternal grandmother when she looked at the once-furred kitty toy.
-What happened to its hair though?
-I ate it…
-I know, it sounds gross… I actually don’t remember eating that cat’s hair at all, but my parents told me I did. And if it serves as an explanation for such behavior, they also told me that it was because the cat had a vanilla smell… Let me tell you, I slept with that cat up until my mid teens. I even took him with me for sleep overs. I think I stopped after I forgot him once at a friend’s grandparents. It was a huge place, a castle actually. I was so ashamed that “I still slept with that bald thing at my age” that I did not dare to ask for my Pèlé Tchèt back. The “separation” lasted for a few days. Thank God I did get him back! And see, I still took him with me here in New Mexico, after such a long time and so many travels around the world.
-Good for you! Why were you ashamed though?
-Well you know… The things that society tells you that you’re supposed to do and then not supposed to do once you’ve reached a certain age.
-Yeah man. Why do we say that though? Why not “cow piss”, haha! Now that that anecdote has popped in my memory, I remember the last name of my friend’s grandparents. They were of noble descent. It sounded pretty close to my mom’s maiden name, only that here it meant “potter” instead of “pot”.
-Like Harry Potter! And it seems tha we’re coming full circle again, don’t we talk about a “pot of gold”, says an amused voice. And check this out, there’s something glittering in the distance, maybe it IS gold after all!??
-Maybe, although it’s not what I’m looking for. Straw in mud is the kind of glitter I long for. Oh look, it was a flower smiling in a ray of sunlight.

-Pretty. A brown-eyed susan, says the voice who seems to know absolutely all the names of the flora and fauna of this place.
-Oh so pretty, and witty and bright, haha… What a funny name for a flower, isn’t it? Maybe this eye-thing suggests that we are not the only ones to look at flowers: maybe they look back at us! Speaking of admiring, I like how it looks by my great-grandma’s golden ring, although I’ve switched the hand where I wear those rings, so now it’s a mischievous fluteplayer I sport on the middle finger of my left hand.
-Maybe that the fluteplayer needed to stay on the right hand to help you realize that more right-hemisphere skill was needed, and now it is the right time to be on the hand that you write with, the one which is closer to the heart.
-Oh, did I mention that I was a southpaw to you? I don’t remember it.
-I know many things... Do you think that there are hierarchies among flowers? Maybe some flowers look down upon others, or some are intimidated by others.
-Aah… An interesting theory. So in your story, dandelions would be intimidated by brown-eyed susans?
-I don’t know.
-I really don’t think so. Or let’s say not anymore and never more… Because if some consider susans prettier, dandelions are a must in any botica de la abuela, grandmother’s drugstore, aka the curandera’s closet, I guess. So both flowers have nice and important aspects for us to consider.
-Yes, it is good to see the beauty and the good that each and every one can bring. But something tells me that it took you time to reach that conclusion regarding dandelions.
-We all have our ups and downs, and it’s not always “either or”. Here we are back to yellow, by the way, since “or” means gold in French. Oooh! Thanks to this new bilingual interference I’m back on track. Or reminds me of the movie I’ve mentioned earlier: “La Folie des Grandeurs”. One scene that I remember very well is the servant awakening his master: “Monseignor, Monseignor, il est l’hORe, l’hORe de se réveiller!”. Instead of pronouncing Monseigneur, (with “eur” as in, let me think in English, ah, got it: the lion’s fUR) he pronounced Monseignor with “or”, aka gold. And the wake up “call” always had to be realized with this magical sentence pronounced as the servant stirred gold coins in a cauldron. You see, the master was pretty avaricious and wanted this reverse lullaby to be sung to him every morning. He seemed to be partial to the sound of gold coins rather than to the rays of el astro rey, the sun…

-Ain’t it incredibly synchronic? beams the voice. It seem that we have reached the yellow station!
Sure enough, I spot between two big stalls the station that we were hoping to reach.
-Oh beautiful! You see, it works, yes, we are actually following the right order for the cha… kra-patatra- Ouch! I complain as I fall head first on the ground. As I bite the dirt, one of the copper bowls I had found before entering the maze gets out of my bag and keeps rolling until it reaches the yellow structure in the color station of the maze. Amazingly enough, the bowl stays put, on its side.
-Wow! Exclaims the voice. I wish I had had a camera to capture this in slow motion! A dandelion’s parachute seed would have helped you, haha! Oh but wait! This is amazing! Look at that incredible bowl!! It has stopped rolling and it is standing on its side! It reminds me of the Celtic tradition, when the second bowl is tipped like that at first, and it symbolically deals with motion. Oops, and I hope you’re ok by the way…
-Oh thanks, I’m glad that you’ve asked, even though it was after letting the bowl put a spell on you.
I try to look at the runaway bowl that is fascinating the voice, but the sun, which has already started its descent, blinds me for a while and all I see is a vague silhouette in a greenish hue. My retina has stored the “wrong” color because of the dazzling feeling of the sun. Actually the oval shape that I discern reminds me of a vision I had had once in the heart of a volcanic area full of obsidian shards, where something that looked like a green chile was patiently waiting for another chile to embrace it and form a heart through their reunion. As I look back to see what caused the fall, I see a stone, a yellow stone, and I experience a new vision.

-Oh, my, I tripped on that stone. What a rocky terrain in this maze… Voice, do you see, like me, three energizer bunnies, copycats of the one that thrive on pilas alcalinas, and a shelf full of singing birds?
-I am glad that I make you laugh but you are not answering, dear voice…
-It was not me laughing. I think it was a horse neighing from outside the maze. I saw it galloping and then I just saw two hooves, maybe the horse tripped at the same time as you did! But I still think that it’s funny. Usually people HEAR singing birds and see flickering candles after being hit on the head, or at least it is what cartoons want us to believe. But your vision is pretty original.
-Yes, weird, I know. Do you think that some horses laugh at their riders when they fall?
-Well, I guess it depends on the conversation they just had before the fall, or if the horse trips and falls too, like I think is what happened outside the maze.
-I want to take a closer look at this stone though, to see if it had written on its belly “no more shuffling and look where you’re going!”
-Good idea, many times when we stay silent and observe is when cosmos knows that we listen and therefore sends us signs.
A little “ding” is heard after the voice tells me this piece of wisdom.
-Silent, listen… They are anagrams. It’s something I am now understanding that had come unnoticed when I first watched that movie, La Folie des Grandeurs. Go to the stump and maybe you’ll see what I am seeing already.

-No offence but you are the one who needs the stump, not me… says the voice in a scornful tone. But your description is useful because this universe belongs to your psyche and your cultural background.
-Well Yves Montand cleans his master’s ears using a cloth that supposedly reaches to the other ear through the rich man’s brain…
-Oh maybe it’s a visual representation of the camel and the needle’s eye…
-Cool! I like that… I am realizing now that the movie is full of symbols like these. Anyway, let’s check out that stone that I tripped on.
As I turn the stone around, there actually is a paper spiral attached to its belly, a message similar to those of the fortune cookies that you get at Chinese restaurants.
-What does it say? asks the voice.
-“Do not wish to ‘fit in’. You’re fine just as you are. Showing your true colors with confidence is how you will no longer trip, but remember that a stone thrown on the surface of your pond can also make you discover glorious water holes”… Hmn, that’s nice, I whisper after reading the stone’s wisdom.
-Yes. It reminds me of something I’ve read by the friend of someone very close to me: “This is not a time to run away and hide our radiant light. It is not a time to keep a lid on our truth. It is a time to give ourselves permission to step into a new, never yet experienced sense of our power, presence and beauty.”
-Haha, I laugh. Lids are comfortable sometimes because they prevent us from spilling the content of our cup on the floor, like I did the other day in the hallway of  “Ortega”.
-Who is Ortega?
-A white kitty, I answer. Well, that is in the maze, though. In what the rest of humanity calls the real world it is the grey building where I spent many hours last year in an office with no windows (a killer) and where I attended a class in film theory.
-You like movies very much… Is it because of the stars?
-The star system in its Hollywood sense, no. The stars that some movies hang in the skies for the magic they offer, and behind the wrap paper that glitters in the dark of the movie theater or my own particular cave, the gifts of insight I’m given through them, those stars, I worship. Not war or battle ship as in Star Wars, hahaha!
-You know, says the voice, I’ve always believed that the stars are our true abode. At some point of our beautiful story with Mama Gaia, we landed on her skin, like a newborn baby coming from the infinite cosmic sea above through the dark waters of the womb of a flesh-and-bone mother. But before us, stones were the first creation on earth. That is why they remember the very first breath of the planet. After they were born, water was created. Water also remembers everything, it is our data bank.
-I prefer that kind of bank rather than the banks that focus on richness that they materialized through the exploitation of the earth: gold, bank notes and oil… Yellow, Green, and Black.
-We may say that modern world is colorblind and deaf of the heart, yes. Because so many have turned their hearts into stones. But there’s hope, because like I’ve said, stones and water have memory, and their contact enabled life to develop. So it will be wise to listen to them…
-I hope I will gain part of that wisdom, I sigh.
-Keep the faith, I think you’re on a good path… Hey, check this out, my dear friend Peter Pan, after our stone episode, told me that I should read this sign here on the post by the stump, and it says something funny about cows. It’s as if you had felt it or seen it beforehand when you mentioned another version for “bullshit”. The sign says that yellow was first obtained by drying… urine from cows that were fed mango leaves and water only.
-Ha! Holy Cow… Poor cow though. Varying her diet would be a good idea. So they were taking both her milk and urine. No bullshit here! For the love of all burping bisons…
-It’s a funny thing I had heard in a cartoon for kids, about chakras. The little boy who was undergoing his initiation to become the Avatar was given onion and banana juice by his master who said that it opened the chakras. And when they reached the yellow chakra, his master said that the way the little boy opened that chakra sounded more like the burp of a bison.
-Haha! Now I understand. Sometime burps are useful, and maybe it explains your scatological talk about the cow’s pee and the bull’s shit.
-Well you know what they say about bullshit... The metaphor it stands for.
-How would I ignore a metaphor… smiles the voice.
-Yes, and sometimes it’s a bit tough to digest some of them, or just to even grab their context, content and intent.
-So this is why you need a little help from your friends, even if sometimes it feels like a real violation, and yes, even rape of your privacy and deepest feelings, one of them being trust, of course.
-Yes, that kind of violation or rape takes time to accept, and I myself know that I have a slow digestion process. A grey snake on the curvy road back home when I lived in Spain once told me so when I was riding / driving my red pony after another type of ride in a cake spaceship, aka space cake.
-Heehee! I trust that your digesting process is on its way now. It always comes at the right time! You know, maybe it’s why you thought of that banana horse… And I’m thinking now that with a third banana used on the horse’s forehead, it would draw a unicorn.
-Ooooh! I love the concept. You know, it makes me think of yet another sculpture, by one of my favorite artists, Dalí. Oh and also his painting with Earth as an egg or womb that focuses on this continent. I think it is called something like “Birth of a New Man”.

-Oh so we have to add an egg to the onion and banana juice. What do we do symbolically with that onion, though?
-Well, onions are made of layers, so I think that “peeling one’s love like an onion”, the title of a Chicano book by the way, goes parallel with peeling one’s psyche like an onion, stripping it naked for whom we love: ourselves, and others.
-I think I will add a vanilla flavor to that impossible juice, says the voice.
-Well, don’t you remember your “Peeled Cat”?
-Oh my God! Pèlé Tchèt who had a vanilla scent… Thank you, dear voice, for always keeping in store all the details of who I am…
-Oh you finally see it.
-It’s been a while that I am seeing it, even though you have tried so hard not to show it or tried to hint at me that you didn’t get that I got it.
-Ouch, touché, says the voice.
-“I know”…
At that precise moment, three sharp sounds are heard in the maze: Snap! Twang! Thud! And an arrow falls from the sky a few inches away from my feet. As I lean down to grab it, I notice that it has a flower attached to it.
-Oh wow, it was scary, says the voice. Are you ok?
-Sure, I’m ok. It did not hit me. And we left fear back in the red, do you remember? Let me take a closer look. Wow, this is a very beautiful arrow, and it came with a gift. Look: this is a vanilla flower… Ok let me grab the arrow to free the flower. Ouch!
Touching the arrow is like setting it ablaze, although the fire is still flickering.
-Oh what a weird blinking yellow arrow, says the voice.
-Yes, heehee… It’s a yellow light that goes one step forward and then one backwards. Do you know that stupid joke about the old couple in a car, when the driver asks his wife to lean out of the car to look through the window and see if the blinker functions? It’s in Spain so the woman says “de acuerdo”, looks outside the window, and then says “ahora sí, ahora no, ahora sí, ahora no, ahora sí, ahora no…” I told you it was stupid, heehee, mais j’ai des petites joies simples, I have simple joys.
-You know, a few years ago maybe it would not have made me laugh. But now it does, I am happy.
-Then I am happy too… Maybe the yellow horse would want us to ride him as we take this arrow with us.

-Maybe lady, but if you are the one at the feet of the unicorn and I’m the one in the egg, maybe we’ll need some TLC before anything else.
-Yes, heehee, well this walk in the maze is supposed to give us the final props for the TLC to be performed so we work like clockwork afterwards, so all is goot, all is goot!
A bleating is heard coming from the stump by the yellow structure, and it sounds like a silly giggle.
-I said goot, aka good, not goat!!
-Skreeeeek!!! Sorry, my bad, says the record stump-player.
-Man, this maze is quite something, I whisper.
-Mayayaybeebeebee youyouyou would wanananant toooo looook cloooser at the si-si-sign though, adds the stump which seems to be experiencing some sound problems.
-OK, I say. Let me grab the arrow that is colder now. Let’s see what else is written apart from the cow piss thing. Oh, I see…
-“Icy” like you are really far from finding our way out of the maze? asks the voice.
-Never underestimate my power again, dear voice… No “I see” as in “I spy, with my little eye, the text dealing with yellow”. It says that this arsenic sulfide mineral called Orpiment was used for yellow pigment, and that it is highly toxic therefore dangerous to work with yellow, but that it can also be used as medicine if one knows the precise quantity to administer to the patient. Also, it was used as poison for the tips of arrows… Woooow, I sure hope that this tip does not come with the orpiment gift! Or-Piment would mean gold-chile though…
-Yes, it’s getting a bit chilly, says the voice.
-No, I mean the opposite, voice! Chile, the spice, you got red, you got yellow, you got green, let’s go for greeeeeeeeeen!!! Oh wait, I’ll wear this beautiful vanilla flower for the rest of the walk.
I wear the flower behind my ear, as I craft a nice little post it / poem in my mind to remember to “always listen to and with my heart and to smell for fragrant signs sent to the four winds on the helicopter seeds of smiling dandelions”.

-You look beautiful with that yellow rose.
-Thank you. But it’s not a rose, it’s the vanilla flower that was brought by the neon arrow.
-Sorry to disappoint you if I do, lady, but you are wearing a fake yellow rose, right now. Maybe it has to do with the burping bison that you mentioned earlier.
As I touch the ornament that I have just arranged in my hair, I feel the artificial texture. At that precise moment I hear a song that had moved me immensely when I watched a movie by Gregory Nava called My Family / Mi Familia: Rosa de Castilla by the Folkloristas.
-What is that sound?
-It is a song in Purépecha, an indigenous language of Mexico. I think it is spoken by the Tarascans. Oh! I realize now that it sounds like “la Tarasca”, this so-called monster, a dragon ridden by Saint Martha, although in Granada for the Feria Grande of Corpus Christi they say la Tarasca is the woman… Saint Martha was among Christ’s family when they miraculously reached the shore of les Saintes Maries de la Mer…
-Wow… Nice shore, I reckon. I would love to visit.
-We will, I say.
-How can you be so sure? Asks the voice.
-I just know… You know, remembering this song, and the Tarascan people, maybe it is related to the myth of Quetzalcóatl, a dragon would be the same family…
-Who knows, says the voice. And why were you so moved by that song?
-Well, the movie was very moving (heehee), but that song felt like something was off with that famous rose from Spain, something was fake, I don’t really know how to explain it.
-Something to do with that movie “La Folie des Grandeurs”?
-Well maybe, yes. Many lies in the movie, which put the liars in an uncomfortable situation; many impersonators as well. The movie has many hilarious moments though, like this scene in the Generalife… maze, when there is a confusion of who loves whom, and it has many ramifications that make the protagonists end up as slaves in Berber Country. Wow! I’m noticing how relevant all this is regarding my own life path… It’s a bit like magic. Well now that you’ve asked, I think that maybe the fake feeling came from who held the Golden Fleece. I have a feeling that I should have paid more attention to Greek Mythology… I was in Greece, though, and what impressed me among other places was Knossos.
-Where the Minotaur kept the labyrinth…
-Ha! Well, yes… Wow, it’s getting incredibly exciting! And you know what, when I heard the Tarascan language, I think it also made me think of Malinalli, la Malinche. She’s a whore for the Mexicans, and a mother for the Chicanos… It all depends on how the story is told, right? Hey, voz, have you noticed that the vanilla flower has crawled up the sign post? It looks like a critter… You’re better than me at this, which insects are six-legged?
-Why do you underestimate your knowledge or skills?
-Santa paciencia hay que tener… A ver, let’s see... I don’t underestimate my skills, but in this world we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and it’s only normal to acknowledge what we are good at and what others are good or better at. It doesn’t mean that we are not trying to be better at what is not our cup of chai (oh, by the way, “chai” pronounced in a slightly different way means “Life” in Hebrew)
-Le'chaim (Here’s to Life), dear Chaia…
-Shy Gaia?
-Yes, also, although I meant Eve…
-Je m’apelle Nathalie, here and now… And like I said, the beauty of it all is to put our talents together to work at painting a rainbow world among the clouds. Have I stated it better now?
-Way better.
-Good… YOU are freaking good at recognizing which is w(h)itch, critter-wise, so please, share your knowledge with me so that I can weave my little tale from it and make the ideas and words bloom and become bountiful with my home-grown fruit of the loom.
-Ah, ok, I like it that way. Well, among six-legged creatures, you have ants, mosquitoes, moths, beetles, cockroaches, bees, wasps, butterflies…
-Oh… Quite a range, todo un abanico. I like this expression in Spanish, using the country’s emblematic fanning tool to talk about variety. I see abanicos in the crown of the Apache crown dancers, actually. I don’t know if it has anything to do with our conversation…
-Well, maybe because when they dance by the fire their crown looks like open bellows blowing on the embers of your deepest memories…
-Wow! I love that very much. So back to the insects you’ve just mentioned… Well, I like butterflies and bees, but there’s a voice (not yours or you, another kind of voice) that’s whispering that right now it could be more of a beetle or ants in a line… or that bees and wasps will somehow be asked to fight while mosquitoes and moths are watching. I don’t know… Bah, let’s leave it there, together with the bowl that had rolled on its side, and let’s walk on to see what happens! I want to play a new tune, I say as I grab the flute to play the first notes of “Time after time” by Cindy Lauper. As I play, I am thinking that “Loper” means “Runner” in Dutch… The same word also sounds like “L’eau / Peur” in French. Water, Fear… Well, we’re in the yellow, the color of the fire. Is water afraid of fire? No, actually it is the other way around. However I am reminded of a river, the river of the souls, the Animas River in Colorado that turned yellow because of the burning spill of 3 million gallons of toxic mining waste that escaped from a ghost gold mine that had been slumbering for nearly 100 years. Oh wow! Maybe all this is related to the concertina that the orange-yellowish Artistocat gave to me, in the form of this parchment that takes us through the maze. Because, through the breath of the fire bellows, I am taken again to the image of the dam in my home country. Imprisoned water takes me to rekindled fire… A similar image was on a mural that fascinated me a few years ago. I had taken a picture of it and kept it as my American cell phone background picture for a very long time.  And now I seem to be connecting so many dots…
-Yes, says the voice. And water should never be kept prisoner, water can never be scared but rather sacred, and when we recognize such sacredness, our scarred moments will flow away with her, down the river…
-Ok, I say as I fail to develop my deep thoughts any further, where should we go now? I wish I could fly like a hawk and see where the green is!
-That would be cheating though, says the voice.

-Yes, you’re right, but who cares, heehee… Anyway, I’ve closed my eyes for a second trying to imagine myself flying above the maze, and what I saw was something that actually happened: the neighbor across the alleyway has that old, gilded car parked in front of his back door, and I swear that I saw the same car from the sky, during a balloon ride in the summer, only that it was parked pretty far away from home, in a private courtyard. It was among horses and fields. It felt as if someone had flown the car there instead of driving it. You know, like the new series that is to be aired, about Oz. The latest embodiment of Dorothy locks herself up in a cop car and the car flies away in a twister. 

-Oh, so maybe we’ll have some more surprises along the yellow road, dear Dorothy, and you will have to play “hopcop”…
-Huhuhu, very funny, but I want us to be done with yellow, voice.
-Ah… If you say so… I would not be so sure though…
-Well, I will prove you wrong because here’s a new stopover and we are facing…
-Yellow, says the voice.
-What? Oh damn, not again…
-Well, I told you so, with smoke signals and other devices, but sometimes you’re so “amazed” at puns for the pure sake of them that you miss the point and fail to apply what they whisper to you. Like this “listen” advice given in La Folie des Grandeurs.
-Yes, you’re right. It seems that it’s more complex than what I had thought. Sigh. You know, now that I think of it, maybe the arrow had to do with something from the statues of the little boys that I mentioned earlier, Bearfoot and the buffalo hunter. There was a spear at the hunter’s feet. I think it means that in my care to spare other’s feelings, or to spare myself from necessary efforts, I actually turned “spare” into a “spear” that ended up hurting both of us, apart from those who would be hurt anyway no matter what, so that’s why the sting came in return.

-Maybe, says the voice who clearly sounds like wanting to remain silent now.
 -One can see the signs of the little hunter’s delicate crafting of the spear. Well actually it’s the hands of the sculptor who made both the spear and hunter, but somehow he took life for me. Those finger marks remind me of the door knob of the “mothership”’s door, on Gold Street. It’s all hammered. One could argue it’s just a style but sometimes I think those details can magically reveal soul secrets. One should not act like a ram but wait for the right time to open some doors.
-It sure feels good to hear, whispers the voice.
-Yes, well, don’t get too accustomed to it, though, I say tongue in cheek. Well, so I guess I have yet something else to learn here, the third time that I have to stop in the yellow… I am starting to understand why yellow is also the color of those “dead end” signs here in the States.
-Well sometimes it’s only a little death and you find another way to start anew, but that is a way that many others may overlook.
-Ah… It’s good to know. Ok, soooo… Let’s see what I have not yet seen…
As I say those words, I fall again, but this time head first on a metallic object that hurts a lot, and I start hearing my cell phone playing its tone incessantly. It is very annoying since I cannot answer, and actually do not want to answer either. It sounds like a wailing siren; its piercing shriek drills a hole in my ear. Naaaaaaathalie it seems to call in a whining tone, ugh, I hate that. I don’t know if what I hear or see is for real or a dream. Now I hear the sea, and Shakira singing her song “yo soy gitana”. She dances with the tide and takes on different shapes and shadows.

I don’t understand what’s going on. Medicine Wheels seem to invite me to steer them to navigate on the sea surface, and Gala, Dalí’s muse, appears with her twin self looking outside a window by the sea. Two scarves, one green and one yellow, cover a mannequin with no head, and as I try to grab the green one it turns into a necklace similar to what had inspired me for a paper about coolies and starts floating around the Zia sign, the New Mexican flag that covered a trunk back home in Spain. Then it dives in the garden pool, under my room’s windows. “Tu nages pas dans ma piscine / you don’t swim in my pool”, I hear that line from Lelouch’s movie “La belle histoire”. I also remember when the one who was told not to “swim” in the couple’s pool was a painter in a dream, and a woman asked him to paint her apartment all white. “Al-Baḥr al-′Ābyaḍ” says another voice in Arabic, meaning “the white sea”, the Mediterranean, that is. Then the scene switches to a fountain near a bar called Minotaur, and even though I expect to see a labyrinth, what I see is a stone lion spitting its heavenly water in a pool where I know for a fact that the lion no longer stands. It is me drowning for a while, only that I drown behind the fountain instead of in its water. I see my face in the reflection of water, but I know that this is happening in some other place, I wear clothes of another time, and a beautiful lady clad in the same kind of attire whispers in the pool that water has more memory than I do, but that all will come back, all will come back… “Sometimes a sharp tool is needed to break the ice under which mermaids cannot breathe”, she says. Cats who are guardians of the gates of a red palace look upon a broken bridge over a river and shake their heads in despair. “When will she finally see and remember what she needs to remember?” the oldest cat says. The river is frozen at some points, and as I reach out to break it, what stays in my hand has the shape of a mountain… And then I see…

I see that what I fell upon is an astrolabe, and the mountain that stared at me for so many years of my life has added the illustration of the Spanish meaning of the name of the first peak that I saw from my Windows: Veleta, which means weather vane. Nevertheless, this strange dream tells me in a masculine voice that I should remember my Arabic, that it was not a Spanish name but rather “Balata”, which meant cut, slash, cliff or gorge. “Natalia, it means gorge… Do you remember now? The rooster atop a weathervane constantly changes directions, I do not, I do not. Those who hold their fingers in the V-shape of Veleta and Victory are in a hurry, and don’t really take time to analyze what they say. Those who stare at my peak from the south see it in reverse, but you stared at me from the North… The Peak behind el Veleta is more solid, Mulhacén is the one you need to remember, because it is the biggest peak of the land of snow… Drop the snake scarf, leave the kaftans behind, and remember the smile after your first big awakening. I was there all along. I am always there…”
I start crying, as scenes from a Spanish series appear in my mind’s eye.

-Yes, now I remember, I whisper…

-Wake up! calls another voice. Wake up!
-What? Why?
-It’s ok to remember but it’s good to live in the present too, what’s on your forehead though? asks the more familiar voice of the here and now.
-I don’t know, I say, I cannot see my face.
-Mira, says the voice, you have an “M” impressed on your forehead.
-Ah, I smile. I guess it’s M as in Mountain… Maybe…
I get up a bit dizzy and look around me.
“Mooooh-Ak” I hear in a triple voice. And there are signs popping around us in the yellow station. Three arrows point in opposite directions, and a cow under a UFO seems to be happy to see me back.
-Hey, you’ve been around, I laugh as I see that iconic four-legged and her cosmic hat. Do chakras dance around what they call karma?
-You need some fresh air, says the voice. Here, I made a flower for you. If you blow on it you’ll see an everlasting rainbow…

Oooh! It is a toy windmill… I love it. Thank you, voice.
-De nada. I think that now it can replace, how was it that you called that once… Hmmmm, ah, yes: a GPS for the heart.
-Oops… Yes, I smile. I have this mark on my forehead now, la marca del astrolabio. Have you noticed that the word is made of “astro”, which means from the stars, and “labio” which means lip? I will do my best to no longer slip and trip now that I know how to send real kisses to the sky as I blow on a Molino de viento.
-LOL chuckles the voice.
-Yes, lol-lipop… I had received one when I mistook gasoil for gas in a rental four-wheel pony. After a good purge the mechanic gave me a heart-shaped lollipop.

-I prefer to feed my pony soft green herbs and clean water, says the voice.
-Me too, me too… Let’s go and see what’s still to be seen in this amazing maze, I smile in peace… Lolli, lolli, lolli, lolli, lollipop… I sing.
-What is that tune?
-It was a fun show on the Belgian TV, with the “feather father” of “Le Chat”, an absurd cartoon anti-hero that I love, and an ugly but funny witch called Malvira.
No… Elvira is another woman, a very beautiful woman from Granada. She has spent centuries looking at the sky from the same river shore where the cats guard the gates, but that’s another story. Let’s get out of yellow, which nearly rhymes with “value” to remind me of what I know. I am eager to discover new colors with you. Let’s go voice, it’s time…

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