jeudi 21 novembre 2013

Granada, Camargue, New Mexico: Coming Full Circle at a Crossroads.

Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 21st, 2013. Summer Solstice.
I left my Moorish Granada a few days ago in search of a new life, in search of myself. I am finally back here, back to this place I have always felt as mine, as home, only that it is a home I have never really lived in, at least in this lifetime, at least till now... My love story with New Mexico dates back to 1997. I was touring the United States for the first time, visiting some of the states where I knew I could catch a glimpse of languages mingling, and get a taste of Spanglish sounds. Of the seven states I saw, one spoke to my soul. As D.H. Lawrence expressed in his essay dedicated to this enchanted land, “in New Mexico, a new part of the soul wakes up suddenly.” This is exactly what I felt the first time I discovered la Nueva México